Motorists are reminded to take it slow and easy today, as the heavy, wet snow is making roads slippery.

Reports of accidents and cars sliding off the road are already coming in and it's only been snowing for a few hours. We all know how to do this, but you have to get yourself in the mindset that this is classic winter driving and make the necessary adjustments.

Slow down when driving and start tapping those brakes before you get to the stop sign or light. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination so you don't have to rush. And keep plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you, so you have room to stop in case they start to slide.

The storm has caused a number of cancellations and closings, so it's a good idea to call ahead before heading out today. Who knows? Maybe your dentist's office has closed early and you can skip that root canal!

Keep your elderly neighbors in mind today, as we all deal with this Spring snowstorm. Stop by and make sure they have heat and, if you can, fill their wood box so they don't have to wade through the snow to get it. And, as you're shoveling your own driveway and walk, it would be a wonderful gesture to do theirs, as well!

Snow is a fact of life in Maine and snowstorms on the first day of Spring are almost a tradition. Let's just take it slow, relax, and help each other through it. This too shall pass and the warmer temperatures will return....promise!

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