Every weekday on the Z Morning Show, we pose our Impossible Question to the listeners of Eastern and Central Maine. Usually, our questions aren't that impossible but, it doesn't mean we can't try to stump you.

Here are the questions and answers for this week in case you missed it.  Think you know the answer when we ask the question?  Try to get in with your guess by calling (207) 991-9600.  When you get through, try your guess out and you could win yourself a gift card from one of Bangor's finest restaurants.  Not too shabby for a quick, fun contest, amiright?

UPDATE: Winners names will be sent to the restaurant and gift cards can be picked up by visiting their restaurant in Bangor.  Further details will be explained once you win!

And, to all of those who have the guts to call in and prove to us that our Impossible Question is not so impossible and get it right, congratulations!

Do know that you can not win another Impossible Question for 30 days so other listeners can get a chance at getting a nice dinner on the Bangor Waterfront, too.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week, good luck to all of those who try to get in on the answer and try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!


Monday, January 4th

Q: Before you buy one of these, it has been touched by about 25 other people. What?

A: Greeting card

Tuesday, January 5th

Q: 80% of people are most apt to re-gift to who?

A: A co-worker

Wednesday, January 6th

Q: This candy company is releasing a chocolate 'build-a-bunny' for Easter. Which company?

A: Hersey's

Thursday, January 7th

Q: A new Gallup poll shows that the most admired woman of 2020 was Michelle Obama. Who was 2020's most admired man?

A: Donald Trump

Friday, January 8th

Q: A recent study suggests that eating this increases asthma symptoms. What?

A: Meat


Join us next week for fresh new questions.  Good luck!


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