Every weekday on the Z Morning Show, we pose our Impossible Question to the listeners of Eastern and Central Maine. Usually, our questions aren't that impossible. Here are the questions and answers for this week. Congratulations to all of our winners this week.

Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!


Monday, March 2, 2020

Q: This is the top influence maker when it comes to developing your music choice.  What?

A: Friends, #2 was radio, #3 is movies

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Q: Over 50% of men and women believe this is important but not essential for men and women to live fulfilling lives.  What?

A: Marriage

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Q: This popular fruit went from 360 million pounds consumed in 1995 to 2.5 billion pounds in 2018.  Which vegetable?

A: Avocado

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Q: 20% of people use online dating to help with this.  What?

A: Boost their self esteem

Friday, March 6, 2020

Q: 55% of people think that doing this while purchasing something is unacceptable.  What?

A: Keep your earphones in


Join us next week for fresh new questions and to win yourself a $15 Sea Dog gift card.  Good luck!

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