Impossible Question March 25 – March 29
Every weekday on the Z Morning Show, we pose our Impossible Question to the listeners of Eastern and Central Maine. Usually, our questions aren't that impossible. Here are the questions and answers for this week. Congratulations to all of our winners this week.
Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!
Monday, March 25
Q: One quarter of men have done this while dating online. What is it?
A: Be a catfish.
Tuesday, March 26
Q: 50% of employees say they do not have this at work. Have what?
A: A friend :(
Wednesday, March 27
Q: A survey has found that 66% of moms have a secret snack stash. What is the top snack that moms secretly hide?
A: Chips
Thursday, March 28
Q: In a recent survey, 1/4 of us will do this around Easter.
A: Buy peeps.
Friday, March 29
Q: What do nearly 5% of us don't have in our kitchen?
A: Ketchup
Congratulations, again, to all of our winners this week. Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!