Impossible Question February 4th – February 8th
Every weekday on the Z Morning Show, we pose our Impossible Question to the listeners of Eastern and Central Maine. Usually, our questions aren't that impossible. Here are the questions and answers for this week. Congratulations to all of our winners this week.
Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!
Monday, February 4th
Q: Nearly 30% of us say we have had our day ruined by this.
A: A comment on social media.
Tuesday, February 5th
Q: The average person forgets to do this at least five times a month. What?
A: Wear deodorant.
Wednesday, February 6th
Q: Half of us who exercise have tried to improve our workouts by spending $100 or more on this.
A: Headphones or earbuds.
Thursday, February 7th
Q: Nearly 3 out of 4 of us say our vacation is ruined if this happens.
A: If we get a call from our boss.
Friday, February 8th
Q: 15% of people surveyed say they would rather lose this than their cell phone. What?
A: Vacation days.
Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!
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