Every weekday on the Z Morning Show, we pose our Impossible Question to the listeners of Eastern and Central Maine. Usually, our questions aren't that impossible. Here are the questions and answers for this week. Congratulations to all of our winners this week.

Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!

Monday, December 2nd

Q: 2 out of 5 of us agree that this is a no-no on a commercial airline.  What?

A: Reclining your seat

Tuesday, December 3rd

Q: This movie character is what 10% of us would compare a former boss to.  Which character?

A: Beetlejuice

Wednesday, December 4th

Q: If you do this, you are most likely to do it Wednesday around 7 PM.  What?

A: Drink wine

Thursday, December 5th


OOPS, forget to do it- my bad!

Friday, December 6th

Q: Men are three times more likely to lose this than women.  What?

A: Their hearing

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