Miss any IQ answers this week?


Every weekday at 8:10 on the Z Morning Show, we give you a chance to win a Sea Dog Brewing Company gift , with the "Impossible Question". Since I am constantly being asked "What was the answer to Tuesday's question?" I thought we would post them at the end of the week so you can get caught up.

Were you as perplexed as James Franco looks by our IQ questions? No worries, here are the answers!

Monday, April 9
Q-During a typical work day, the average person does this 3 times, what is it?
A-Goes to the restroom

Tuesday, April 10
Q-It's wedding season, so if you are a bride or a groom, it's actually rude for you to do this!
A-Ask for cash a a wedding gift

Wednesday, April 11
Q-When it comes to our underwear, 3% of men and women have this in common
A-Turn our undies inside-out before we wear them a second time (We had some particularly gross answers on this one!)

Thursday, April 12
Q-Giving this up for five days can lead to a 30% reduction in stress?
A-Facebook (Sorry, Mark Zuckerberg)

Friday, April 13
Q-48% of poeple do this when staying at a hotel, even if they never do it at home. What is it?
A-Walk around naked!

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