Miss any IQ answers this week? Don't worry, we gotcha covered!


Every weekday at 8:10 on the Z Morning Show, we give you a chance to win a Sea Dog Brewing Company gift , with the "Impossible Question". If you happen to miss a day, we always post the whole week's worth of questions every Friday morning.
Check out our latest celebrity stumped by the IQ....Drake!

Monday, April 30
Q-39 % of us admit that we have lied to a friend to avoid this?
A-Helping them move

Tuesday, May 1
Q-23% of managers say this is a deal breaker during an interview. What is it?
A-A weak handshake

Wednesday, May 2
Due to the flu, I missed my first Z Morning Show ever, so there was no IQ

Thursday, May 3
Q-9 out 10 of us would like do this several times a day if it wasn't so bad for us? What is it?
A-Eat cheese

Friday, May 4
Q-69% of women say men who do this are more attractive?

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