QUIZ: Real or Fake Hallmark Holiday Movie PlotsQUIZ: Real or Fake Hallmark Holiday Movie PlotsThe spark of love, the holiday spirit, the seemingly familiar actors that we've seen somewhere before but I just can't put my finger on it. SarahSarah
Hallmark Holiday Movie Quiz: Which Title Is the Imposter Title?Hallmark Holiday Movie Quiz: Which Title Is the Imposter Title?We love them, we watch them and we bare no shame snuggling into a warm blanket with our cup of tea and watching 6 hours of these movies in one sitting.SarahSarah
The Z Morning Show Plays ‘Real or Fake Hallmark Holiday Movie Titles’The Z Morning Show Plays ‘Real or Fake Hallmark Holiday Movie Titles’Listen as Kid quizzes Sarah on which of these Hallmark Holiday Movie plot lines are real or fake. Can you tell?SarahSarahKidKid
The Z Morning Show Plays ‘Fill-In-The-Blank Hallmark Holiday Movie Titles’The Z Morning Show Plays ‘Fill-In-The-Blank Hallmark Holiday Movie Titles’Listen as Kid and Sarah chat about the absurd movie plots, formulaic title names and mention the H-list stars in these holiday classic movies.SarahSarahKidKid