ROAD TRIP WORTHY: A Halloween Tribute To Prince
No one impersonates “His Royal Badness” quite like Dean Ford & The Beautiful Ones, and he is headed back home to Maine.
A road trip to Portland for Halloween could be just what the doctor ordered, and there is a great show to check out on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, AT 9pm, when Purple Brainz-A Halloween Tribute 2 Prince, at Aura, 121 Center Street. Tickets are $20 each and available at
It is certainly no secret that I am a huge fan of the late, great, Prince, and Dean Ford has got it down. He looks, sings and moves just like The Purple One. They will play all of Prince's biggest hits of the '80s and '90s, like “Kiss”, “Let’s Go Crazy”, “Cream”, “1999”, and of course, “Purple Rain”. The other cool part is that he will re-create whatever look Prince had going on at the time these iconic songs were released. I have had the pleasure of seeing this tribute band, three times, and it is a great night out, and the fact that it’s Halloween weekend, makes it the perfect time to see some amazing music, and dress up!
If you do take the journey to go see the show, there are some COIVD-19 rules to adhere to. Aura asks that anyone attending, must present a completed vaccination ID and be fully vaccinated two weeks prior, or have received a negative COVID-19 test taken in the previous 72 hours with a matching ID. This must be an official test with your name listed on the results. Personal home tests that you can buy over the counter are excluded.