Maine Fall Foliage Report for This Week: October 16th
Let's take a look at the fall foliage report for this week, October 16th - October 22nd, for the state of Maine.
The peak for the autumn colors has passed for some of Mainers or very nearly there for others. Northern Maine areas have hit the peak for the season and are now anticipating lots of raking with those colorful leaves hitting the ground now. A band that runs through the middle section of Maine, a width running from Jackman to Fryberg and running east to Calais is still in peak foliage for the season but nearing past peak at this point. Coastal Maine is seeing a high foliage showing where up to 70% of color will have changed with a peak of up to 100% is still yet to come.
Next week, we can plan on most of the state past peak foliage change over and a lot of Mainer's grabbing their rakes and getting to the yearly clean up.
Check out the latest Maine Foliage report on the website here.
Nationwide Fall Foliage has put up an interactive map so you can check out what's going on with the fall foliage nationwide.
This week, peak levels are predicted to have passed for higher elevations in the Rocky Mountain areas, and northern regions in the Midwest and northern Eastern states from New York state to Maine. Areas surrounding these past peak areas lie mostly in the near peak or at peak stages, mostly covering the northern half of the United States with the South and southern parts of the Western states. Beyond those areas, fall foliage is patchy to partial conditions with an increase in southern states hitting minimal foliage changeover.
Check in next week for the last fall foliage report until Fall 2020.