Local Fire Department Gives Perspective, Thanks In Times of A Crisis
A car accident in Eddington this week led to a post on Facebook that puts into perspective the amount of people and skills involved that help us when we could be in the worst situation of our lives.
It needs attention, it gives perspective and evokes compassion and gratitude.
The Eddington Fire Department posted a Facebook message on Tuesday following an accident on Route 9. The post was eloquently written by Captain Craig Russell of the Eddington Fire Department and was a thank you to all of the first responders who were a part of the situation and really shows the different groups that are needed if you find yourself in a life changing situation like a car accident.
The one vehicle accident resulted in the driver falling asleep at the wheel with the vehicle driving off of the road and hitting a pole. Live wires were involved and this serious situation needed several specialists and large team to help these people.
Take a look at this post and imagine how many people had to come together to help in this situation. It is staggering to imagine the composure, skill, heart and efforts that need to come together to help these two people who could be any one of us at any given time.
The post reads as follows:
Now that things have calmed down...at least temporarily I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the accident yesterday. First and most important. To the injured couple we hope your recovery is speedy and we are thinking of you and your family during this time.
I thank EVERYONE who helped make this incident run as smooth and efficient as possible on a very hot and humid day. Some of these people we work with often and others we have never met before. Hopefully I don't forget anyone.
Witnesses and bystanders - You saw this horrific accident occur and you jumped into action. You called 911, you provided first aid, and you offered support to the injured and first responders. Thank You!
Penobscot Regional Communications Center - You answered the 911 calls, you notified all the responders, you provided communication support to police, fire, & ems units, and you got us what we needed when we needed it. Your job does not go unnoticed. Thank you!
Penobscot County Sheriff's Department - Where to begin?....we do too many of these accidents together. It all comes together without hardly speaking about it. In fact unless you looked at the uniform we often blend together doing whatever task is next up. You go above and beyond. This included you setting up the landing zone for lifeflight and driving the lifeflight crew to the scene so they could help us treat the injured. Thank You!
Holden Police Department - You showed up to assist and offered to do anything needed. You helped setup the landing zone for lifeflight. Sorry you didn't get to fly around. Maybe next time. Thank You!
Holden Fire Department - We see, talk, plan, train, and/or respond with you on a daily basis. We are no strangers. We know your people and your equipment just as much as ours. You brought your Extrication tools (JAWS of Life) as a 2nd set. We put both sets of tools to work to get the injured out as fast as possible. Thank You!
Northern Light Ambulance / Brewer Rescue- We see you often too but usually (not always) for less severe medical calls. But, we know you have some damn good providers and yesterday was no exception. You provided assessment, treatment, and transport of the injured. Thank you!
Lifeflight - Let us be honest. We really hope to never need you. It means our day has gone downhill real quick. We call and you appear from the clouds to help us and our patients. Your skill level, expertise, specialized equipment, medicine & fast transport make all the difference for our patients. Thank You!
Pleasant Point EMS - I don't think we have ever met before but we have now. You dropped off a patient in Bangor and wanted to get back downeast. However, the airline had different plans. You pretty much followed us out of our station to the scene and probably had a few choice words. Your crew jumped into action helping us until more help arrived. Even when that other help arrived you braved the heat and continued to support until the end. I actually think we handed you a cold bottle of water and told you it was ok to leave now. Your agency and community should be proud! Thank you!
Maine DOT - You setup traffic detours, controlled traffic, and kept our very busy work zone safe. I hope most people were calm and polite to you but I am sure some people were mad that their day was inconvenienced. They will get over it. You sent us all home safe. Thank you!
Versant Power - Can we meet sometime when wires and poles are not making a mess? You must like coffee and donuts. You make a very hazardous and deadly situation safe for us and the public. Then, you fix the mess and give us power back for our air conditioning. Thank you!
Last but not least, our own people. You guys and gals are awesome! You dropped everything in your own life to go help another. You spent 3+ hours on this accident when you could have been at the beach. You took control of the scene which presented lots of challenges and hazards. You performed way to many tasks on scene to list out on and then more time back at the station getting everything ready for the next call. Thank You!
Thanks for the great teamwork by everyone. You made my job easy.
Capt Russell
Thank you to all of our first responders, dispatchers, electric company, MaineDOT and everyone involved in this situation because they come together to help all of us, whether it is in our most scariest moments or not.
Thank you!