Here’s When We Can Expect The Peak of Maine’s Fall Colors For 2019 shows the fall foliage predication map for the nation where you can select a week and see on the map how the fall coloring will progress through the season.
According to the map, most of Maine will be at peak season the week of October 5th with southern Maine's colorful peak to be the following week, October 12th. Currently, most of the country is predictably at no change with parts of the Rocky Mountains, northern Great Lake states, northern New York state and northern New England show minimal change.
These no change to minimal changes coincide with last year's Maine foliage reports, where the whole state at this time shows the fall foliage change not happening quite yet.
According to, last year's peak for Northern Maine hit the week of October 3rd with the second half of the state peaking the following week, the week of October 10th.
Temperatures, precipitation patterns and weather all effect the brightness of leaf color as well as how long we will be able to enjoy the colorful part of the fall season.