Ellsworth residents on the Surry Road between Laurel Street and Edaco Court including all side streets have been without water since Sunday morning, because of a water leak .As of 3:30 Sunday afternoon crews from the Ellsworth Water Department have determined that there is a significant portion of the water main that needs to be replaced.

Once the water main has been restored and water service restored, a boil water order will be issued.

  • 1. Boil water for one minute at a rolling boil for: • Drinking water; • Water for beverages such as tea, coffee, and juice;• Water from the refrigerator dispenser; • Brushing teeth; • Drinking water for animals; • Making ice cubes or preparing food; • Rinsing foods; and • Water used for any other consumption purposes
  • .2. Use a disinfection rinse for dishes. Add one teaspoon of unscented chlorine bleach to one gallon of water. Hand and machine washed dishes should be rinsed with this mixture as dishwasher temperatures vary and it is difficult to determine if a temperature sufficient to kill bacteria has been reached.
  • 3. Handwashing. Use water that has been boiled for at least one minute, bottled water, or safe water hauled from an approved public water supply. Tap water and antibacterial soap followed by an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (alcohol level between 60-85%) can also be used to clean hands in a safe and effective manner
  • .4. Stay informed. Public water systems will take steps to correct the problem and will notify consumers when the Boil Water Order has been lifted. A Boil Water Order is lifted once water tests show the water is safe to drink. If you are in doubt or have questions, contact the Ellsworth Water Department



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