Cori’s Cool Mother’s Day Haul And Gift Ideas
What to get mom for Mother's Day can be a tricky question for some. How do you honor your mom for all she's done? Well, I'm a mom, and I can tell you when someone takes a minute to think of me, and then put a little thought into a gift, I always appreciate it.
That being said, let's really think for a minute about moms. They're typically pouring themselves out, in all sorts of directions, for pretty much everyone but themselves. They're the last to eat, the last to sleep, sometimes even the last to pee!
And most of the moms I know never really do anything for themselves. They wouldn't, for instance, spend money on something frivolous. Usually purchases are prioritized by practicality and need. So when you see something mom would like, but isn't a necessity, take note of that.
Does mom have a favorite book or television series? Is she a sports fan or have a band or artist that she loves? Keep those things in mind and maybe buy her something to do with that? Chances are she wouldn't do that for herself.
I always like personalized things; things with my kids names or birthstones are always special. For me, a combo of both, like a Game of Thrones tumbler with my kids' names engraved on it, was a super-cool present!
Other ideas; things that make mom's life easier: A gift-certificate to get her van detailed, an automatic car-starter, gift-certificates to her favorite coffee spot or a meal-prep subscription--those would be thoughtful gifts!
And then there are those gift that are just plain old fun.
A friend of mine learned recently that Mother's Day was something in my life that had been overlooked and even forgotten, in years passed. So this person got me some things they knew I would never get for myself including this super-awesome (and I am typically not a unicorn kind of gal) mug! You can see this and the rest of the presents in a video below.
Don't mind the hair. It was at the end of a very long day!
Whatever you end up doing or getting, if you put in just a little bit of time and really think about a way to make your mom feel special, it might just be the little boost she needs to keep on going and doing all that moms have to do! Don't cut corners, or shrug it off as not such a big deal. Mom's do a lot (as do dad's, that's why they get their own day, too!) and we should take a moment to give them a nod for being awesome!
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