Your Help Is Needed for This Year’s Kenduskeag Stream Clean Up
We've had an early spring this year with warmer temperatures and the snow disappearing earlier than usual. So, you've been bound to see the litter that gets left behind as the snow has melted. It's time to grab our trash bags, grab some gloves and get to work.
One group is looking to clean up around the banks of the Kenduskeag River and are looking for volunteers like you to help bring the 2 miles of trail along the Kenduskeag in Bangor back to being it's beautiful self again.
The clean up day will be taking place Saturday, April 24th from 9:30 AM - noon. FOLKS, Friends of the Lower Kenduskeag Stream, is the group taking on the challenge to organize volunteers and cleaning up along the stream.
There are a few different jobs at hand with this spring task which will take many hands. On the docket is work to clean up human presence in the area including picking up and discarding litter as well as taking care of graffiti along the trail. Also needed is yearly maintenance for the trail to keep it safe and passable including smoothing out the trail along the river and trimming branches to clear the trail.
The group will be meeting at Harlow Street behind Penquis a little before 9:30 AM. It is advised that you gear up with some solid gloves to keep your hands safe and clean, some long pants to keep out pests like ticks, and trusty shoes to be able to traverse the trail and river banks safely.
Don't forget some water and sunscreen!
To find out more about the event and to share your interest in participating, check out the Facebook event page set up for the excursion, 'FOLKS Spring Cleanup Day'.