Take A Trip Back In Time, Just In Time For Fall!
You know how there are just some memories from childhood that are super vivid and still take you back to a particular place and time? One such memory for me, that plays back with extreme clarity, is from my fourth grade year at Orono Middle School. My teacher, Mrs. Glenn, took us on a field trip to what was then called Leonards Mills, but has since been renamed The Maine Forest and Logging Museum. We got to spend the day learning what life was like for people "back in the olden days." We made candles, got to write with quills, and even saw how people made tools and handled livestock. I learned so much that day, and it made such an impression on my young mind. In fact, it helped give me some perspective on life, that when I thought things were rough, at least I had electricity! And a mattress!
The really neat part is now I get to share that same experience with my kids, and so can you! This weekend happens to be the Museum's Living History Days celebration. It takes place Saturday and Sunday from 10-4. They'll have live demonstrations with animals and blacksmiths, historical demonstrations from the reenactors with the 20th Maine encampments. There will also be wagon rides, sawmill demonstrations and food; fresh pressed cider, bean hole beans, biscuits and soup!
What better way to celebrate fall in Maine than to get outside, and take a trip back through history! Make some memories this Columbus Day weekend, while remembering how life used to be, at the Living History Days at the Maine Forest and Logging Museum in Bradley!
The cost of admission is $10 for adults and $5 for kids 3-7, with members getting in for free. But the experience will be well worth it! Take it from me!
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