QUIZ: Real or Fake Hallmark Holiday Movie PlotsQUIZ: Real or Fake Hallmark Holiday Movie PlotsThe spark of love, the holiday spirit, the seemingly familiar actors that we've seen somewhere before but I just can't put my finger on it. SarahSarah
Hallmark Holiday Movie Quiz: Which Title Is the Imposter Title?Hallmark Holiday Movie Quiz: Which Title Is the Imposter Title?We love them, we watch them and we bare no shame snuggling into a warm blanket with our cup of tea and watching 6 hours of these movies in one sitting.SarahSarah
Z Morning Show’s List of Fall Hallmark MoviesZ Morning Show’s List of Fall Hallmark MoviesHere, is a list of autumn charmers from the Hallmark Channel for your fall binge-watching marathons.SarahSarah