More Bangor Area Schools Planning #ENOUGH: National Student Walkout
Last week, we told you about Bangor High School planning being a part of the national school walkout on March 14.
Since the publishing of that story, students at other area schools have announced their participation in the protest.
The protest has been organized by Women's Power Youth EMPOWER. According to the website for Enough: National Student Walkout, the purpose and timing of the events is in response to the latest mass shooting at Parkland High School in Florida on Feb. 14.
Students and staff have the right to teach and learn in an environment free from the worry of being gunned down in their classrooms.
Parents have the right to send their kids to school in the mornings and see them home alive at the end of the day.We must demand our elected officials do the job they were elected to do — keep us safe. Congress needs to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers after school shootings. They must take meaningful action to pass sensible federal gun reform legislation that will greatly reduce school shootings and save the lives of students and teachers.
The protests are looking to demand the following from Congress:
- Ban Assault Weapons Ban and High Capacity Magazines
- Expand Background Checks to All Gun Sales
- Pass Federal Gun Violence Restraining Order Law
- Fund government research on gun violence
- Promote Safe Storage
The protests are intended for students, teachers, parents and any and all community members to take place at schools nationwide. The event is take place on Wednesday, March 14th at 10 a.m. within 17 minutes to honor the 17 deaths from the recent Parkland Florida shooting.
The organization notes that students don't have to leave their schools, simply walk out into the hallway or outside of the school, to wear orange to show solidarity and for all actions to be inclusive and non-violent.
Here's a list of current area schools participating, according to current Facebook events or by registering with WomansMarch.com/Enough (Click to view their events on Facebook):
- Bangor High School, Bangor
- Brewer High School, Brewer
- John Bapst High School, Bangor
- Old Town High School, Old Town
- Orono High School, Orono
Other students across the state are organizing this event for their schools, too:
- Bonny Eagle High School, Saco
- Brunswick High School, Brunswick
- Cape Elizabeth High School, Cape Elizabeth
- Casco Bay High School, Portland
- Colby College, Waterville
- Edward Little High School, Auburn
- Emerson Middle School, Bar Harbor
- Falmouth High School, Falmouth
- George Stevens Academy, Blue Hill
- Gorham High School, Gorham
- Lewiston High School, Lewiston
- Marshwood High School, South Berwick
- Portland High School, Portland
- South Portland High School, South Portland
- Thornton Academy, Saco
- Waynflete School, Portland
- Yarmouth High School, Yarmouth
- Westbrook Middle School, Westbrook
- Wells High School, Wells
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