For the whole month of February take a challenge where your kiddos can reap the benefits.

The 'Read to ME Challenge' is on and Raising Readers and the Maine Department of Education is offering the challenge as a way to develop the love of reading for Maine kids.

Wanna take the challenge?  All it takes is 15 minutes of your time a day to read with your child, either you reading to them or they read to you or both.  Then, take the challenge throughout the rest of February.

Take it a step further and share your time with social media by taking a picture or recording a short video of your reading session.  Be sure to add #ReadtoME or #ReadaloudME.

Some suggested platform to share your videos and photos to include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube.

Maybe you'll inspire your friends and family to do the same- maybe it'll spur a kind-of book club for you and circle of friends to share your experiences.

And, don't think you need to be right next to the kiddo that you're sharing some reading time with to participate.  Consider doing a Zoom meeting for your 15 minutes.

Take the challenge and encourage childhood literacy with the Maine Department of Education and Raising Readers.

If you need book suggestions, take a look at the Raising Readers selected books section on their website which shares books that are given to Maine kids through doctors offices and social programs.  The books include appropriate age levels so you know you are picking a book for the appropriate level for your kiddo.

More information about the 'Read to ME Challenge' can be found at the website

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