Int’l. Women’s Day Plan: Get Ready for May 5K in Bangor to Benefit Women
In honor of International Women's Day let's talk about a walk coming to Bangor that is being put together by a woman's organization for women.
The 2nd Annual Zonta Keeping Women Strong 5K Run/Walk is coming to the Bangor Waterfront Walking Park Sunday, May 6th from 9 AM to noon.
Join us at the 2nd Annual Zonta Keeping Women Strong 5K and Kids Fun Run.
The Zonta Club of Bangor is hosting this event. Their organization's mission is to raise funds for local organizations and scholarships for women and give a helping hand when a hand is needed.
The race is planned to start on the Bangor Waterfront, continue throughout the west side streets of Bangor and Bass Park and finishing at the Bangor Waterfront Pavilion. For the kiddos, there will be a Fun Run prior to the start of the 5K at the Waterfront.
The Zonta Club of Bangor partners with many local organizations including Rape Response Services, SpruceRun-WomanCare Alliance, Literacy Volunteers of Bangor, Bangor Homeless Shelter, Girl Scouts of Maine, Sarah's House.
The Facebook Event for the run includes the following as their hope for the event:
With this event, we hope to raise awareness of violence against women, which is a worldwide pandemic that encompasses every social and economic class, race, religion and ethnicity.