Get Your Santa On in Downtown Bangor
I'm posting this now so you have time to gather your resources! Find your biggest red suit and whitest fake beard for Downtown Bangor's first ever SantaCon, taking place Saturday, December 15th starting around 5 PM and ending around 1 AM, or whenever you've worn out your holiday cheer for the evening.
Hosted by Downtown Bangor, SantaCon is a fundraiser and toy drive for Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine. Check out the SantaCon's facebook page and also check out what AFFM does on their website,
What is SantaCon, you ask? It's a bunch of people, perhaps you, who dress up like Santa and gather in Downtown Bangor. It's fun and it's open to anybody who has the desire to A) dress up like Santa and/or B) dress like Santa for kids to get presents this year and a great state program to raise some money for their cause.
Per the event page, there are few guidelines, some silly and a few for safety. Here is guideline #1:
Dress up! A Santa hat alone is not enough. You don't have to dress exactly like Santa but the theme is red. That having been said, unusual interpretations of Santa-ness are often appreciated and Christmas trees, elves, reindeer themes etc. are all good.
My favorite is guideline #10:
Santa dresses for all occasions. If it's cold outside, wear multiple costume layers. Dress to maximize merriment whether singing carols in the snow, or swinging from a stripper pole in a hot nightclub.
Mainly, be respectful, tip the service peeps and have fun!
Join the event on Facebook and tell all of your friends that you will be there. Then, take pictures of your good time and share them in the comments! We want to see how the first one went for you! Enjoy!