Bangor School Department Responds To Recorded, Shared Zoom Lesson, ‘Hateful Comments’
Bangor School Department sent out a message to parents on Monday addressing concerns over a recording of a Bangor teacher's remote lesson.
A student's parent recorded part of a lesson plan on 'social equity including targeted and privileged identities.' The parent posted the recorded lesson onto social media by sharing the clip with a political social media group.
Bangor School Department Superintendent Betsy Webb sent out an email to parents explaining what happened, the work that led up to the planning of this school year during the pandemic, and what is being taught to students:
Good Morning,
Everyone needs support and kindness during these challenging times.
Last week a parent recorded, without permission, a portion of a teacher's remote lesson and then posted the clip on a political social media forum. The parent has since apologized and has taken the post down. However, the prior hateful comments and vitriol targeted at the teacher have unsettled many. This situation has raised concerns for the teacher, the School Department, community members, and educators teaching various pathways.
Bangor educators have gone above and beyond to open schools this fall including teaching three pathways of in person, hybrid, and remote. This has taken an extraordinary amount of planning and preparation. Educators must know that they will not be subjected to this type of treatment and that they will not be recorded and posted to social media. Let's all commit to talk with one another and to pick up the phone if you have concerns.
In addition to all of their normal teaching responsibilities, educators have also been preparing to address social emotional learning needs and racial equity and justice learning. The teacher was discussing social equity issues including targeted and privileged identities. The Bangor School Department is committed to building antiracism and equity. All employees received training prior to the opening of school from the Racial Equity and Justice Center to support these efforts.
The message also included support for the teacher that taught the lesson and a final note on what is needed from the community:
Numerous supportive messages for the teacher have been received and we thank the community for their support. Everyone needs support and kindness during these challenging times.
Betsy M. Webb, Ed. D.
The Bangor School Department has started using a hybrid learning system to start the 2020 - 2021 school year in the midst of the pandemic. With students physically attending school 2-3 days a week with in-person learning. The other days are dedicated to remote learning days.
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