Bangor PD Arrest Suspect They Say Tried To Rob Business At Gunpoint
A man Bangor Police say tried to rob a Bangor business at gunpoint is behind bars today.
According to Bangor Police Department's Sgt. Wade Betters, the incident in question took place Tuesday morning.
"...several officers responded to a business located at 849 Stillwater Avenue, after an associate reported former employee, later identified as Antwon Vaughan (32), of Bangor, entered the store and started an argument over unpaid wages. During the argument, Vaughan allegedly pointed a handgun at the associate, made threats and demanded money. No one was hurt, and Vaughan left in a vehicle just before officers arrived."
Sgt. Betters says Vaughan was later spotted in a parked car off of State St. and taken into custody without incident.

Vaughan was arrested and charged with Robbery Class B. He is currently being held at the Penobscot County Jail.
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