Here in the Bangor area, the '90s was a transition time of growing local businesses or continued traditions of long-standing businesses, welcoming in new businesses, and observing the changing landscape of business and entertainment in the Queen City.
Our Mega List
We've compiled a list of '90s phrases that you would hear in the Bangor area. These are unique to what was going on at the time including local restaurants that you would eat at that don't exist anymore or names of local celebrities or politicians.
Places of the List
Specifics in the list include one local hot spot that was THE place to go for dancing and having a good time on Main Street called the Bounty.
Restaurants and businesses reign on the list with mentions of favorite eateries that had been around for decades by the time the '90s rolled around. We also include a few references of things specifically about the Bangor Mall, which was really thriving in the early '90s.
People of the List
Also, check out some up-and-comers on the list that have withstood the test of time in their professional careers. We've included a few politicians, a sports star, and a local broadcaster who have all made a big impact in the past few decades since their positions and activities in the 1990s.
Onto the List!
Let's do this! Which of these phrases really speak to you? Maybe there's something in here that you completely forgot about. It was a simpler time in the '90s and it is amazing to think of the change that has occurred since this decade here in Maine and worldwide. Take a look and feel a little nostalgia.