Does anyone else miss lacing a pair of skates up?

Hard to believe it has been almost exactly 8 years to the day, that Great Skates in Bangor, closed its doors for one last skate, way back on June 29, 2016.

Great Skates was a popular destination for young and old alike, for over 21 years, here in the Bangor area. And who could forget the glory days of Happy Wheels? Lots of great memories were made in both of those iconic spots.

Going skating on a Friday & Saturday night, was practically a rite of passage around here, back in the 80s and 90s

Check out this classic Great Skates promo we found on YouTube, from 2010!

I remember right before it closed in 2016, we were invited to take some skating lessons around the rink. It didn't go well for me at first, but it turns out that the expression "just like riding a bike" is true. I picked up my old form pretty quickly.

Much like a drive-in, the popularity of roller skating rinks has dwindled in recent years. In fact, there are just a handful here in the State of Maine:

Sunbeam Roller Rink- Smithfield

Happy Wheels Skate Center-Westbrook

Rollodrome Inc-Auburn, ME

Melody Roller Rink-Caribou, ME


So the question today is, would you like to see one again here in Bangor? It is a fun activity for kids and adults. And, it's not a bad way to get a little exercise, while having a blast, listening to the hit songs of the day.

LOOK: Here are just some of the most magical places in Maine

You don't need to break the bank or risk life and limb to feel like you're in another world. Just head to Maine and explore these surprisingly magical spots. Tap or click the photo for more information.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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