Why You Should Totally Take Your Kids Ice Fishing!
Typically, I'm not a fan of ice or cold. With 4 small kids, the idea of getting them all suited up in their winter gear to head out the door is at the very least overwhelming! But last year, a few months after my husband left, a very good friend of mine said "Cori, we're going to take the kids to the annual youth ice fishing day... And you're gonna love it!"
And you know what? We all did!
We had so much fun!
I attribute the fun we had to how easy the Penobscot County Conservation Association made it for someone who had never even been ice fishing before!
They really think of everything! Its for kids toddler age to 15 years. They pre-drill the holes for you, and provide you with the traps and bait, for free. They'll even put the traps together and place them for you, if you need. There are experienced sportsmen and women on hand to guide you through the process. And if your kiddo catches one, they can take it home!
My son, Noah, caught one last year and we were all so excited! The event is not only to inspire the next generation to take up what really is a fun winter activity, but to encourage families to spend time outside together. They even have warm beverages and light snacks, for a small donation, up in the clubhouse, should you need a break or to warm up! The only thing you really need to worry about is making sure everyone is dressed warmly, and getting yourselves there!
I watched my kids learn a bit about nature, a lot about patience, and that their mom could do something that would typically have fallen to their dad to do. They got to see other kids their age enjoying the outdoors. And when we took that fish home, the collective sense of pride was palpable.
This year's event is scheduled to take place Sunday February 17th at LeVasseur Pond, from 9-2. (If there's an issue with the weather, they typically reschedule for another date in March. If you want more info, or to keep updated on the event, click here. )
I plan on bringing my kids again. Perhaps we'll see you there!
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