The Maine Summer Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
You can't get from here to there in Maine without doing some road trips. I mean it takes an hour from Bangor to Bar Harbor with no traffic, why not occupy yourself during that time with a scavenger hunt!?
- A Flashing Red Light
- Railroad Tracks
- The Word Dirigo
- A Vanity Plate
- A Person On Their Cellphone While Driving
- A Silo
- A Cow
- A Statue Of A Person
- A Mardens
- A Person Walking Their Dog
- An Abandoned Building
- The Word Vacationland
- A Rock Wall
- A Tractor
- A Dirt Road
- A One Lane Bridge
- A Detour Sign
- A Bird Nest
- Something Strange on a Roof Top
- A Unique Mailbox
- A Mill Smoke Stack
- A Maine Flag
- 2 Churches In One Town
- A Person With a Beard on a Motorcycle
- A Vehicle Towing a Boat
- Roadkill
- A Pink Car