USAToday has shared the most popular baby names we named our children in the past 10 years.

A combined list was created by 24/7 Tempo by reviewing the social security administrator's information and ranking the results regardless of gender.  Names reviewed were from babies born between 2010 and 2018.

What's interesting to note is that only 6 of these names, out of the top 20, are girls' names while the rest are boy names.

Did you name your baby one of these names?  Would you consider any of these names for your future littles?

Without further ado, here is the decades most popular names:

1. Emma - 177,410

2. Sophia - 166,986

3. Olivia - 165,581

4. Noah - 163,657

5. Isabella - 156,709

6. Liam - 152,994

7. Jacob - 152,020

8. Mason - 146,079

9. William - 145,893

10. Ava - 140,979

11. Ethan - 137,512

12. Michael - 134,043

13. Alexander - 130,477

14. James - 126,060

15. Elijah - 123,151

16. Daniel - 122,962

17. Benjamin - 121,134

18. Aiden - 119,935

19. Jayden - 117,779

20. Mia - 116,301

How do these names compare to the past century?  Check out the social security administrations 'Top Name Over the Last 100' table to see how this last decades results compare with a whole century of baby naming.

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