Local Tire Company Offers Some Sage Advice To Help You Avoid Potholes
They're almost impossible to avoid at this point.
Potholes seem to be somehow 50 times worse than they've been the last few years. Or folks are just complaining on social media more than they used to, hard to say. So far this year, I've gotten off pretty easy. Although a co-worker had a blow out on the way to work yesterday. And one bad tire usually means 4 new ones.
We even gave you a bunch of locations for local potholes for you to avoid. To the point where it seems like there's a missed opportunity around here to keep people informed. Heck, Bangor was even voted into the top ten worst cities in all of America for our absolutely terrible potholes.
One local tire company decided to offer some advice online.
Last year on their Facebook page, Bangor Tire Company put out some advice about trying to avoid the pitfalls of potholes. Some of it seems like common sense, but other points were great ones a lot of folks may not think of. Let's take a peek at some of what they were suggesting...
Look ahead down the road.
This is true. Thankfully, the potholes are so big right now, they can pretty much be seen from space. Seeing is avoiding!
Slow down.
I imagine this is important even if you're on a road you're familiar with. The pothole landscape seems to change every few minutes, so not going too fast may be a big help.
Leave Ample Following Distance.
this is necessary because if your too close to the car in front of you, you won't see that they just bottomed out in a hole. Then most assuredly, you're next!
Don't Slam on the Brakes.
My mom told me years ago that going over bumps with your brakes on can be bad for your tires/brakes. Potholes would certainly fit that bill.
Hold the Steering Wheel Firmly.
If you don't keep your hands on the wheel, the pothole could pull you in just about any random direction. You'd certainly hate to get pulled off the road. Or worse, into oncoming traffic.
Beware of Puddles.
This makes total sense. You have absolutely zero idea how deep that puddle is. It could be an inch deep, or a foot. You won't know until your tire is in pieces on the side of the road.
If you do a hit a pothole and pop a tire, they also make a great case against driving anywhere on the rim, unless you're in a dangerous situation. Even then, only go as far as you have to, so you can get to a safe place to deal with your tire.
Eventually, this too shall pass and we can have as close to normal roads as we get in Maine. There's a reason we have memes and jokes galore about pothole season. Like, if it's a season, why can't we hunt and kill them? Don't bother. As fast as you eliminate one, two more will takes it's place.