Pirates In The Studio at the Z Morning Show [VIDEO]
If you missed our special guest in the studio yesterday, here's some video to prove that it did happen and it was something else.
Meet Captain Jack Lash Lannegan and shipmate Bootsy Hearts Buckshot who voyaged their way to the Z Morning Show. They are Pirates of the Penobee and came to visit the studio to share pirate jokes and songs.
Sarah brought these entertainers into the studio after seeing them at a local restaurant, bestowing patrons with fun banter, cannon demonstrations and games. It was such an outstanding experience that Sarah had to get them on the show.
You can see Captain Jack at Mainely Brew on occasion reading pirate tales and at local events. The act takes to the high seas for town take overs or party fun.
TONIGHT you can see the pirates at the Boomhouse Restaurant in Old Town as part of their trivia night.
For more information about the Pirates of the Penobee, check out their Facebook page.