I Have Zero Problem Getting Behind The Concept Of ‘No Mow May’
I think I've been practicing 'No Mow May' for years.
Mostly because I'm super lazy, and will take any opportunity to relax and do nothing as opposed to doing yard work. I gotta say though, there's a part of my back yard that comes alive with beauty if I just let nature do its thing. There's all these little yellow flowers, little white ones, little purple ones... It's the pretties part of my yard in spring.
Sometimes, when it's quiet, you can literally hear bees buzzing around the yard soaking up all the nectar they can get, and leave their precious pollen behind. And there's actually a small part of me that regrets it when it's time to mow. So frankly, I put nit off as long as I can. Probably does nothing for our tick situation, but definitely does for the enjoyment of our yard.
Rockland likes the concept so much, they're urging the whole town.
According to what I was reading in the the BDN, the city of Rockland is urging all its residents to consider participating in No Mow May. the general idea, is that you don't mow your lawn all through May, giving all the various pollinators a chance to do their thing. Even parts of the city's property will be taking part.
Rockland has an area they've set aside for milkweed to grow, as it's about the only thing that monarch butterflies will feed on. And, we've all heard from various sources the last few years about the plight of bees the world over, so this would certainly open up more chances for bees to do what they gotta do.
The movement toward No Mow May began a few years ago in the UK, and has caught on quite a bit around the world. I think the biggest hurdle people face when they want to "help", is not knowing how to do it on a micro level. Well, here you go. All you have to do is let your lawn grow for a month. Tell me how it gets easier than that...?