Mind, Body, Spirit Festival Coming to Belfast In April
For those looking to center themselves and ground their energies check out this event coming to Belfast in April and two more like it planned later in 2022!
The first of three Mind Body Spirit Festivals this year will start off in Belfast on April 16th. From 10 AM - 4 PM, you'll be able to take part in workshops at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center that include all kinds of interesting and soul-experiencing subjects.
Here are a few of the workshops that are being offered, each being 25 - 30 minutes long and most are about $5 each.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation
This workshop kicks off the festival workshops for the day at 10:30. The workshop describes this as a unique method of meditation: "Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation, a living science, by which we achieve the state of meditation or thoughtless awareness – when we are very much aware of our surroundings, yet there are no thoughts. At that moment we are in the present – thinking neither of the future nor the past. "
Animal Communication
An animal communicator explains her process of communication with animals and will also be sharing experiences she's had as an animal communicator: "Kathy (Drage) will explain how animal communication works and she will share her experiences as an animal communicator over the years.
Miracles and Messages from the Quantum Field of Source Energy
An author will be speaking about healing using Source energy: "Experience a taste of 'the hollow bone of healing' where Source does all the works,
and the result is always for our highest and best. Offered by the author of The Hollow Bone of Healing, Phoenix Rising Star."
Tarot for Self Love
A tarot reader will be doing card readings focused on what will be helpful to care for oneself: "Some participants will draw a card and Tracy will read as many as time permits. She will read for you what will helpful for self care. Since we tend to neglect ourselves, let’s give to ourselves for a few minutes."
The full schedule of workshops for the event is available at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festivals website, with the other workshops including:
- The benefits of belly dancing
- The science behind how sound and light benefit your health
- Tools for transformation
- Create sanctuary where you live
More Festivals In 2022
Two more Mind, Body, Spirit Festivals are planned in 2022 in other locations. The next festival will be in Fairfield on May 15th and another festival is already planned in Freeport on October 16th.
Check out the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival website for more details.