MD Explains How To Shop Safer Amid Covid-19 Risk
For years, I've saved the plastic bags from shopping and used them as garbage inserts or cat box cleaning bags. Not anymore. Not in this day and age. And here's why that's going to stop today:
As more information comes out about Coronavirus and just how long it lives on surfaces, I got to thinking about whether or not the groceries we're venturing out to get these days could pose a risk to my family's health and safety? The short answer, yes. Yes they can, and do. How could they not? We're buying things from a public place where there is a risks of picking germs from someone who might have the virus, and bringing those germs from outside right into our homes.
Recently, there was a recommendation for us to hold off using single use bags, because they might retain the virus on their surface and heighten the risk of cross-contamination vs. the single use that could be thrown away. But beyond that, there are other steps we can and should definitely be taking to keep the germs out of our homes and away from our bodies.
This is one of the simplest and best explanations for how to handle bringing items, like groceries and take-out, inside. Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen, MD, a 20 year vet of the medical world, breaks down, step-by-step, how to reduce your risk as you shop, because let's face it, we all need to eat! He's adapted the medical practice of "sterile technique", used by surgeons and folks in healthcare industry, day-in and day-out, and adapted this technique to cleaning your groceries.
It may sound and seem extreme, but these are unprecedented times. And this MD's analogy of thinking of the groceries as covered in glitter (representing germs) and having the goal of keeping the glitter off your hands, face and out of your homes, is spot on (no pun intended)!
In my humble opinion, while its going to take some adjusting to for many, including myself, everyone should at least watch this, share this, and then apply these tips!
Good luck out there. Stay safe and healthy!