There's been an unprecedented amount of "free" money the last couple years.

I'm not here to debate the politics of all the stimulus money that's come through our wallets over the last few years. Money came from the federal government, we've gotten money from the state... In fact, our second installment under Gov. Mills is on the way in the form of a $450 check for heating assistance.

Never in my lifetime would I have thought we'd be getting all this kind of money handed over. It's crazy sometimes. But you don't have to go too far to find stories from plenty of folks who say they never got their $850 check from the last round of state payments. For the 13,000+ Mainers whom that's the case, there may be good news.

Your money could still be on the way after all.

According to WGME, there was some funds built into this new round of payments that could reconcile the lack of checks last time. It turned out that more people qualified for the funds than the state had set aside. So those folks will get their $450 heating assistance, and their $850 inflation stimulus check as well.

That's a nice chunk of change for some folks who could really use it in the middle of winter. With heating oil prices being where they are, rents going up everywhere, some folks could absolutely put $1300 to good use. One would assume those will be sent out at the same time as the heating checks, which will be mailed out beginning mid-month.

Here's where the money is around the state, as far as who's got the most.

Maine's 16 Counties Ranked By How Much Money People Make

Here's the list of every county in Maine ranked by median household income from lowest to highest.

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