The State of Maine has set up a registry for those with previous or prior medical experience to help during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The website,, is an "online registration system for public health, healthcare and emergency response volunteers for the State of Maine."

The registry is used to connect those with medical experience and talents to resources locally and across the state to help during the pandemic.

The website describes this as "part of a national initiative to train, coordinate, and mobilize volunteers during an emergency."

Who are they looking for? They are looking for those that have prior work experience, or 'pre-credentialed' experience, in public health, healthcare and emergency response fields.

Adding your name and skills to the registry goes beyond this pandemic.  The website does mention that signing up for this registry "allows you to register as willing to provide services during a disaster or emergency situation."

Fill out the form here where you will give basic information about yourself and your experience and skills.

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