Impossible Question September 24th – September 28th
Every weekday on the Z Morning Show, we pose our Impossible Question to the listeners of Eastern and Central Maine. Usually, our questions aren't that impossible. Here are the questions and answers for this week. Congratulations to all of our winners this week. Try your luck next week 8:10 AM weekdays on Bangor's #1 hit music station, Z107.3!
Monday, September 24th
Question: The most popular tattoo for women over 40 is what?
Answer: Rose
Tuesday, September 25th
Question: 40% of women say they crave this, but only 15% of men say they do. What is it?
Answer: Chocolate
Wednesday, September 26th
Question: 84% of us eventually fail at this. What is it?
Answer: Becoming a vegetarian
Thursday, September 27th
Question: We keep these for an average of 15 years but the bigger they are, the quicker we have to get rid of them? What are they?
Answer: Refrigerators
Friday, September 28th
Question: Over 30% of people would not date someone who has this. What?
Answer: A flip phone!