Hey, Bangor! What’s Your Back-to-school Parenting Style [QUIZ]
It's time to get ready for back-to-school. We know the kids aren't ready quite yet, but are you ready, Bangor parents?
Are you all done getting the pencils, 3-subject notebooks, highlighters, pencil cases and everything else that goes along with back-to-school? Are you still working on gathering a few more items.... or, not even started yet?
Check out this fun quiz to share with your Facebook pals to show which Bangor back-to-school preparation parent you are! Are you the Standpipe Parent, Kenduskeag Parent, Fairmount Parent or Broadway Parent?
If you go with the flow, then you are probably the 'Kenduskeag Parent'. If you are all done your shopping and are just sitting back enjoying the final days of summer vacation, then you are probably the 'Standpipe Parent'.
Take the quiz to find out and don't forget to share your results on Facebook AND put your result in the comments of our Facebook post so we can share the results on-air!
Also, it would be fun to see which one your significant other gets to see how your back-to-school styles merge, support or clash with one another. TAKE THE QUIZ!