“Ellsworthy” T-Shirts Hats and Hoodies to Benefit Local Businesses
Four years ago Ellsworth State Senator and co-owner of the Union River Lobster Pot (with his wife Jane), coined the phrase “Ellsworthy” to use honoring the Chamber’s “Top Drawer” and “Citizen of the Year and made T-shirts commemorating their accomplishments.
When CoVid19 came along and wreaked havoc on downtown Ellsworth Langley decided to create an online store with the help of W.S. Emerson, to sell “Ellsworthy” T-shirts and donate the proceeds to the City of Ellsworth to be used to help downtown businesses cope with CoVid19.
The city has talked about providing picnic tables in different spots down town, blocking off parking spots, installing hand sanitizing stations, etc. to make downtown more appealing and help our businesses survive. All of this costs money that neither the city, or businesses have budgeted for.
You can help with the purchase of a T-shirt, Hat, or Hoodie and show that you are truly “Ellsworthy”! You must order by July 1st! To see styles, what is available and to place your order, click HERE. All hats,hoodies and t-shirts are available in either blue or red.