Grab a cold one, and don't miss any of the action!

It is shaping up to be a pretty incredible post season for two of Boston's sports teams.

After dominating regular seasons from the Boston Celics, and the Boston Bruins, both are adding a little more excitement this Spring, with two big playoff runs.

The Bruins got off to a great start in Round 2 last night, with an impressive 5-1 victory, over the Florida Panthers. Game 2 is tomorrow night at 7:30pm.

The Celtics kick off the 2nd round, tonight, at 7pm, against the Cleveland Cavaliers, at TD Garden.

If you decide to get your C's, or B's crew together to enjoy the action, there are 9 great spots in the Bangor, to eat, drink, and cheer them both on! In fact many of them will have game day specials for you to enjoy.

9 Bangor Spots To Catch Every Celtics Playoff Game

Thwe C's are making a push for Banner 18!

Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

Let's get TWO duck boats parades this year...Go C's & B's!

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