Watch Bangor High Graduation Ceremony & Senior Slide Show
What a long strange trip it’s been!
When the Class of 2020 at Bangor High School received their diplomas Sunday, it was not only the culmination of 12 years of hard work, it was also the ending to what could only be described as the weirdest school year ever.
The 20019/2020 school year came to a grinding halt back in March, when the COIVD-19 pandemic hit, essentially ending the chance to participate in any of the typical events that mark the end of the school year. All across the country, schools, teachers and students all across the country had to get creative, and they have managed to have a June they are unlikely to ever forget.
Traffic around Bangor was a little crazy yesterday, because Bangor High School held its 2020 Graduation ceremony outdoors right on the school grounds. Everything was done safe and responsibly as all students and families stayed in their vehicles, ensuring social distancing. Then, as BHS Principal Paul Butler would read the name of a graduating senior, her or she who would then leave the car, head up to the stage and accept their diploma. The event was live streamed, and it’s posted here for you to enjoy!
Bangor High School also posted a slideshow video tribute to all 288 members of the Class of 2020. The photos are a great look back at a school year that didn't go quite as planned, but from the looks of these pictures, still a ton of fun. Check out the slideshow. You just may know one of the graduates!