‘Trunk Or Treat’ Halloween Event In Bangor October 24th!
Celebrate this Halloween with the kiddos in a safe, socially distanced, fun environment!
From the looks of things, like everything else in the last 6 months, the traditonal Halloween experience will be a little bit different this year. 2020 has thrown us some pretty crazy curveballs, but there is still a way to celebrate the spookiest day of the year, put on a fun costume, and collect lots of candy.
Cominmg up on Saturday, October 24, from at 11 AM – 3 PM, there will be a Halloween Trunk or Treat event, at Morgan Hill Event Center, located at 82 Morgan Hill Lane in Hermon
Morgan Hill in conjunction with local business and individuals are offering a safe and socially distant Trunk or Treat. Each 1 hour time slot will allow 100 people to take part in this event. Tickets are needed for EVERY person in attendance and are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Each vendor will be placing their treats on a table in front of their vehicle to promote social distancing and limiting hand to hand contact. Sanitizing stations will be available throughout Morgan Hill and masks are highly recommended.
Morgan Hill Event Center asks that you please arrive 15 minutes prior to your event start time in order to get you though the check in process.
There will also be concessions available for purchase.
If you are a bussiness interested in becoming a vendor at the event, you can reach out to Samantha@morganhilleventcenter.com for more information!
Tickets are available, but they are going fast. You can find them at https://www.eventbrite.com