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Of course, you'll see some Stephen King movies on this list, as a bunch of them have been filmed in his home state of Maine. But the woods and waters -- and weather -- of Maine can provide a perfect backdrop to anything spooky.

Some of these movies are "better" than others if you give credence to movie reviews. But, sometimes -- especially when you're watching a scary movie -- a little plot hole here or corny dialogue there really doesn't hurt the watching experience.

Let's start out with a non-Stephen King movie. Keep in mind these are in no particular order. And, if you follow the link in the title, you can buy or watch any of these movies on Amazon.

This 2015 independent horror movie was filmed in Round Pond, a small town on the Maine coast. Without giving too much away, this movie is about a war veteran with PTSD who finds something very strange -- and dangerous -- in the Maine woods. If you're a fan of the X Files, this is probably up your alley.

This 1989 Stephen King classic -- not the 2018 remake -- was filmed in a couple Maine locations including Hancock (where the house is located) and Bangor (where Mount Hope Cemetery is featured.)

This island off the Maine coast gets a lot scarier when the ferry stops coming. Those who are stranded on the island have to figure out what to do when dead bodies start appearing.

An abandoned Bangor International Airport is featured prominently in this 1995 film in which a group of airline passengers disappear without a trance and the remaining passengers try to figure out just what happened.

This 2012 film, starring Maine's own Katie Aselton, is more of the thriller variety. But, scary? Let's just say this: If you think being stranded on a tiny island with people who are trying to kill you is scary, then this movie is scary. Plus, it's filmed in Aselton's hometown of Milbridge.

Those from Bangor who watch this 1987 follow up to the original Creepshow will notice some very familiar scenery in the third vignette, "The Hitchhiker." Thanks for the ride, lady.

Technically, this 2015 film is a horror comedy, but we figured we'd include it on the list in case you hadn't seen it. No, Stephen King is not in this movie, which follows the exploits of a group of young people trying to find King's vacation home in Maine. Spoiler alert: A bunch of them die in the process.

You don't want to be cursed by a gypsy, even if it does mean you'll lose some weight. This Stephen King adaptation is a good one, and much of this 1995 film was filmed in Camden, Lincolnville and Thomaston.

This, like "You Can't Kill Stephen King," is also a horror comedy. This 2016 movie was filmed in Portland, and is full of zombie action.

When the old abandoned Bachman textile mill is reopened, several employees meet mysterious deaths in this 1990 adaptation from author ... you guessed it ... Stephen King. The old Bangor Waterworks served as the real-life setting for the deadly mill.

Some of this Stephen King-inspired TV miniseries was filmed in Southwest Harbor. A huge winter storm blows into the island community and brings evil with it.

BONUS: Lake Placid

This one doesn't technically fit our definition of "made in Maine" since most of this 1999 movie was filmed in British Columbia, according to IMDB. However, it is supposed to take place in Aroostook County, so we just threw it in as a bonus.

ANOTHER BONUS: The Uninvited

This psychological thriller was not filmed in Maine, but it is set along the Maine coast. It was so creepy we just wanted to include it.

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