Know a Maine teacher who deserves to be selected as best of the best in your county? It's time to start making your list of awesome teachers that positively impact your community and nominate them to be chosen for each of Maine's counties.

Which teacher do you know inspires their students?  Which teacher deserves recognition for their incredible dedication and resilience despite the changes that occurred with the pandemic?


If you have a teacher in mind, there are a few things that qualifies them for nomination, including their certification, employment at a public school here in the state, at least 3 years of teaching here in the State of Maine and a minimum of 5 altogether, not be a past County Teacher of the Year from the previous 5 years.  More considerations for nominees can be seen at the's nomination page, a program of Educate Maine.

2021's Teacher of the Year is Cindy Soule, a 4th grade teacher from Portland Public Schools.  As Teacher of the Year for the State of Maine for 2021 she will be able to be considered for the National Teacher of the Year.

Do you have a teacher in mind?  You can nominate a teacher now! 

Select the county that the teacher works in, fill out information about you as the nominator, what your relationship is to the teacher and information about the teacher including 'What makes him/her and extraordinary teacher?'

To each teacher, you all deserve recognition!  We are thankful for your time with our children.  Good luck to every teacher throughout the State of Maine.

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