Take a chilly dip, and support a great cause!

If dipping your toes into chilly water is your style, or if you run with a full head of steam into the water, there is an event on a bone chilling winter day in February that might intrest you.

The Camp CaPella 2021 Polar Dip is a go, on Saturday, February 27, from noon-2pm. There are 3 options to participate, live in person, virtually, or as a Jittery Jumper! Virtual or Jittery Jumpers choose any day in the month of February to participate. In person jumpers will participate at Phillips Lake, on Feb 27th. You have to register online and select a time. Strict COVID-19 reestrictions will be in place and the participant numbers are limited. In a normal year, Camp CaPella would be gearing up to release their upcoming camp dates and camper applications. Due the continuing COVID pandemic, they will be delaying the announcements until March. They do hope to offer some version of summer camp in 2021. Keep your eye peeled on their social media platfroms for future news.

Camp CaPella is a lakefront summer camp at Phillips Lake in Dedham, that provides diverse recreational and educational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. Camp CaPella is for all campers regardless of ability, to be afforded an opportunity to enjoy a summer program. They offer learning experiences, recreational activities, and fun! Camp CaPella offers year round recreational and educational opportunities outside of the Phillips Lake facility. For more info on the 2021 Polar Dip, and other Camp CaPella events and services, check out http://campcapella.org/

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