A few weeks ago, we gave you the "most expensive" now, here are the "least"

Two cities in the Bangor area made the list!

Welcome to 2025. A new year can sometimes mean new changes. If you are thinking about relocating to somewhere in the Pine Tree State this year? Check this out.

HomeSnacks is a website that gathers recent data from the Census, FBI, OpenStreetMaps, and lots of other sources, then break them down into Top 10 rankings, that can really come in handy, if you are considering the possibility of moving to a certain part of Maine

They have been ranking cities, neighborhoods, counties, and states across America, since 2015.

Before you take the plunge and decide to make a fairly drastic life change, it's never a bad idea to find out everything you can about where you would like to reside, especially when it comes to cost of living.

Doing your homework before making such a big decision is crucial when it comes down to where you would like to reside.

While ranking the Top 10 Least Expensive Places To Live In 2025, HomeSnacks used something called "Saturday Night Science" as their basis for the list.

What does that mean? They use the following:

Transparent Methodology

Trusted Sources.

Testing With Data.

Timely Data

Using a cost of living index, in regards to area income, population, and the average price to buy a home, here is how it breaks down:

The 10 Least Expensive Places To Live In Maine In 2025

Looking to make a living change? These are the most affordable destinations in the state.

Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

The 10 Most Expensive Places To Live In Maine In 2025

One city surprisingly did not make this list!

Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

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