The Legend of Bigfoot in Maine Explored in Summer Page-Turner
Mainers, you must put this on your summer reading list!
As we approach the dog days of summer here in the state of Maine, lots of people are taking time off to relax. Maybe your thing is chilling outside in the backyard, or hitting the beach for some sun and fun. Either way, having some good reading material is an absolute must, because a good page-turner is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to shutting down your mind for a few hours.
He is commonly known as Bigfoot but has also has been known to go by the names, Sasquatch, or Yeti. In American and Canadian culture, Bigfoot is an ape-like creature that inhabits the forests of North America. Over the years, many people have proclaimed the evidence of his existence, with visual sightings, photos, videos, and audio recordings. Is any of this real? No one knows for sure, but it makes for an interesting read in a recently released book.
Learn all about the legend of Bigfoot from author Michelle Souliere. Her book “Bigfoot In Maine” is now available in paperback. She recently sat down with the Falmouth Memorial Library, and News Center Maine, for in-depth discussions about the mystery and myth of Bigfoot.
Over the years, there have been many supposed sightings with "video" that was uploaded. Here are a few that have racked up hundreds of thousands of views.
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Happy reading!