What's going on?

Holden To Adopt "One Bin" Zero Sort Trash Model This July
According to an announcement released on the Town of Holden Maine Facebook Page, the town will be phasing out the pay-as-you-throw stickers, starting this July.

State Police To Honor Fallen Police K-9 "Preacher" With Funeral
A Police dog, who was killed in the line of duty in an armed standoff one week ago, will be honored by the Maine State Police with a funeral scheduled for Wednesday.

What Can Mainers Use Instead Of Eggs In Their Recipes?
When looking at an egg substitute, you want to consider what the egg's role is in each recipe.

State Highway Officials Urge Fans To Drive Safe Sunday
They've boiled their Super Bowl safety message down to one simple slogan: Fans Don't Let Fans Drive Drunk.

Burnham Woman Indicted In Crash That Killed Newport Man Last July
A woman from Penobscot County has turned herself in to authorities after receiving an indictment earlier this week in connection with the death of a man from Newport.

Hermon Fire Department Has Busy Day; Highlights Need For Help
In recent years, whether it be on-call or paid positions, many fire companies in Maine have been operating undermanned.

Penobscot County Sheriffs Urge Drivers To Slow Down & Move Over
Making sure they are safe so that they can keep us safe by simply slowing down and moving over, seems to be a no-brainer.