News Center Maine Chats With Dr. Shah
As we reach the one year mark of the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Nirav Shah, reflects on where we have been, and where we are going.
This week. NEWS CENTER Maine's Don Carrigan, had a lengthy discussion with the director of the Maine CDC, Dr. Nirav Shah. Hard to beleive, but it has been almost a full year since cases started appearing here in the state, and of course as we all remember, so did a lockdown, and eventually as mask mandate for all Mainers.
With vaccines rolling out full steam ahead, there is still much work to be done to turn the corner into the spring and summer months, with the hope that we can all return to some kind of normalcy as soon as possible.
As always, Dr. Shah is informative and charming, and is so well thought of by Mainers and the media, Don Carrigan presetned him with a t-shirt!
In what we considered to be an early Christmas present, Dr. Nirav Shah, joined the Z Morning Show with Kid and Sarah, back on December 23rd of last year, to talk about the 'Keep It Maine'initiative.
The 'Keep It Maine' plan is what us Mainers have been practicing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic- practicing social distancing, covering our faces and washing our hands- with the initiative to help reduce the transmission of the novel coronavirus.
During the conversation, Dr. Shah reminds the people of Maine to continue to social distance, the proven science of how face coverings protect you and what to know about the vaccination plan.
And, of course, Kid and Sarah can't help themselves with a few unique Dr. Shah references, including quoting "Let's Go Crazy" by Prince, his Diet Coke habit and maybe rick rolling a rick roller.
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