Maine Urban Legends [VIDEO]
This is so cool!
YouTubers “The Misery Machine” break down some popular Maine Urban Legends in this fascinating video. Among the topics discussed are:
- The Sabattus Well
- Colonel Buck’s Tomb in Bucksport
- The Robie-Andrews Dorm
- The Wood Island Lighthouse
- The Seguin Island Lighthouse Hauntings
- Pamola
- The Hermit of North Pond Christopher Knight
- Paul Bunyan
- The Monster Of Pocomoonshine Lake
- The Ghost Bride Of Haynesville Woods
- The Fort William Henry Haunting
- Maiden's Cliff Haunting in Camden
- The Legend of Wessie
- Bigfoot
- Andre the Seal
- The Royal Tar Circus Ship That Sank Off Vinalhaven
- Portland's Prostitution Riots
- The Turner Beast
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